Good points made. Some relevant comments:

I will say that I found it odd when I saw signs that the frum community was making bank during the covid and post covid period, when inflation and interest rates were ramping up, which also then ran counter to the wider economy - and here you point out that the converse is happening.

Whilst the frum community is not really involved in tech, we are a major factor in ecommerce (Amazon), which is a subsidiary of tech.

On healthcare and taking advantage of Government largesse, Igros Moshe (Choshen Mishpat 1:75) advises seeking public employment due to the inherent stability. It is certainly no guarantee that Elon will succeed.

On the future of AI - you are correct that we should be pragmatic, as chacham einav berosho, but apart from that the main hishtadlus at hand is doubtless to lower the materialism and conspicuous consumption.

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Amazon is cutting down a lot on third party sellers.

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Excellent post

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Thank you! Missing your posts!

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None of this is happening. Trump will accomplish as much in his second term as in his first. That is- nothing. Lawyers aren't going away. Accountants aren't going away.

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Would be happy to get you in touch with those in the know

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You are missing the housing crisis which is probably the most fundamental factor facing an exponentially growing community. There simply aren't enough houses in the Lakewood area, and so far, the community leaders seem to be oblivious.

Additionally, in the Covid era the community put into place very large salary increases for Kollel yungeleit and school staff, with absolutely no thought about the implication of this for the future of the community, especially for those who rely on welfare.

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Economic issues are clearly present but one can argue that the notion that only the full time learner is the ideal as opposed to viewing the learner earner as a lchatchilah is also an issue as well

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